Welcome to Gardens By The Bay! |
Tempat ini memang salah satu wishlist gw dari lama. Beberapa kali main ke Marina Bay Sands Mall, mampir ke Sky Tree nya (which look so gorgeus during the night!), tapi baru kali ini bisa naik dan merasakan langsung the OCBC Skyway! Niatnya sih sebenernya pingin ngerasain jalan-jalan di OCBC Skywalk during the night time, secara gw pecinta panorama malam dan lampu-lampu kota yang berkerlipan (tsaaahhh!), hahahaha. Tapi apa daya, kaki sudah terlalu gempor mampir ke Gardens By The Bay malam-malam akhirnya gw baru bisa mampir pas keesokan paginya, itu juga karena kita mengurungkan niat untuk naik Singapore Flyer gegara mahal bingits! Iye, money does matter buat backpacker macam gw...
Jadilah OCBC Skywalk ini tujuan utama setelah sarapan di hostel. Menuju ksini gw lebih suka lewat Marina Bay Sands Mall. Ke mall paling praktis sih lewat MRT Bayfront yg langsung link ke mall, atau bus yg turun persis di depan mall. Di dalam mall carilah eskalator yg paliiiing tinggiii menuju ke area terbuka yang menghubungkan kita ke Marina Bay Sands Hotel. Just follow the way and you will find a bridge that connecting the MBS Hotel with Gardens By The Bay called as Dragonfly Bridge. Ticket for OCBC Skywalk $5 for adult dan ticket booth open from 9 am to 8 pm. Catet ya. Gw pernah saking niatnya pengen ke OCBC Skywalk malam-malam, mampir ke Garden By The Bay menjelang jam 9 malam dan kuciwa karena ticket booth nya udah tutup! Yah well, ga kecewa-kecewa banget sih, secara mereka punya music dan lighting performance yang lumayan OK ternyata klo malam, hihihii.
Eniwei, the positive side going here at noon was you can see everything so clearly. Plus, the wind not as bad as night. Perhaps. Oh, and the lighting for selfie picture is also good! *penting* *evilgrin* During the noon, there's not so many people going up (might be because the weather kinda hot!) so it's easier for taking picture, hahahah. But I still wanna go back here at night. Just to see all of those light, once again.
Eniwei, the positive side going here at noon was you can see everything so clearly. Plus, the wind not as bad as night. Perhaps. Oh, and the lighting for selfie picture is also good! *penting* *evilgrin* During the noon, there's not so many people going up (might be because the weather kinda hot!) so it's easier for taking picture, hahahah. But I still wanna go back here at night. Just to see all of those light, once again.
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